candy rules for halloween

You really have to be serious when there are candy rules for Halloween

Although California weather may suggest differently, the seasons are changing! In just a couple of weeks you will head out throughout the neighborhood clutching the hand of your very own Elsa or Batman and watch as your children ring door after door to celebrate Halloween.

Candy and treats will pile high into their bags as you envision a month of sugar-filled insanity. But before you start replacing chocolate with carrots, we have compiled 7 rules to enjoying the holiday as much as your adorable princesses and superheroes.

1. Moderation.

Allow your kids to select a specific number or treats to enjoy. You can choose the amount based off of their age and experience with sugar. But teaching children to moderate sugar intake is one of the most important life lessons you can teach.

2. Choose a time when candy will be eaten.

Dessert time (after a meal) is ideal because eating stimulates saliva production,  which will offset some of the impact of the sugar in their mouth. Also, creating a specific time helps kids learn not to snack on unhealthy treats throughout the day.

3. Hide the rest.

Younger children will not realize that a portion of their candy has disappeared into the freezer or garbage (or your stomach!). Instead of allowing a four year old to eat 200 pieces of candy, choose some to keep and hide the rest.

4. Avoid hard or sticky candies.

More important to dental health is the actual amount of time the sugar spends in contact with their teeth. Hard candy that kids suck on spends a long time in contact with teeth. The same applies to sticky candy like taffy which may leave a lasting residue on the teeth.

5. Drink more water. Combining extra water while consuming candy stimulates saliva production,  which helps cleanse the mouth and betterprevents sugars from adhering to teeth and causing decay.

6. No sugary beverages. 

If your child is going to consume candy, don’t compound the issue with fruit juices or soda.

7. Make Halloween a time to celebrate good dental habits.

Halloween is a great time to partner up good habits. Take the opportunity to allow your child to choose a new cool toothbrush and a favorite toothpaste. This allows them to positively connect the season with healthier dental care!

We all love to celebrate the season with a cute costume and treats. The key is taking simple steps to ensure the impact on their health (and your sanity) is the best it can be.

Have a great Halloween!


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