prevention is worth a pound of cure

Prevention is worth a pound of cure is a quote with words of wisdom for your oral health.

Benjamin Franklin once famously said that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Our team at Eureka Dental firmly believes that our role in blogs is not only to introduce you to cutting edge technology in dentistry, but to offer simple monthly advice on how to maintain peak oral health.This month we will focus on your teeth’s first line of defense, the hardened enamel coating.

Even as our team stays at the forefront of dental technology, there is no available replacement for the natural defense of your tooth enamel. Therefore it is imperative that you work to prevent the enamel breakdown.

A new study published in the Journal of Public Health Dentistry found that soda and fruit juice are the two “biggest culprits” of enamel erosion. While we may perceive certain drinks as healthier, the cause of erosion is simple: how acidic is your drink?

The pH levels of many of our favorite drinks fall below 5.5, which causes excessive breakdown of the enamel. Many are aware of the danger over consumption of sodas, but many carbonated beverages,  sports and energy drinks, and even fruit juices are just as detrimental to your enamel.

Researchers found that individuals who consumed higher rates of milk and water had significantly less erosion and sustained their natural enamel. This process is facilitated because milk and water work with your natural saliva production. In contrast, constant consumption of acidic drinks prevents your mouth from recovering its optimal pH level.

With small changes to our daily routine, we can all ensure a vibrant (and painless!) smile for years to come.


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