Cosmetic Dental Treatment or Same Day Crowns

Cosmetic dental treatment and what it has to do with 3D printing? You may have heard about the futuristic development of 3D printing. For anyone who does not understand the process, a 3D printer is essentially a personal-sized mill that creates the object relayed by the computer software.

The potential impact of this technology is profound, as even pediatric heart surgeons have just begun to use 3d-printed replicas of babies’ hearts to better plan complex surgeries.

In the dental field, a similar combination of computer-assisted design (CAD), computer-assisted manufacturing (CAM) and in-house milling now offer the same outcomes for patients.

cerec_blog_previewEureka Dental, as a benchmark practice for dental technology, now offers Chairside Economical Restorations of Esthetic Ceramic, or CEREC®. This revolutionary process has changed the crown and veneer procedure from a multiple-visit commitment to just a single visit. We understand that our patients forced to take valuable time off work and school to have procedures done. Each visit may cost patients more money in lost work, and represent another incentive to avoid necessary dental work.

The CEREC® process begins with a standard exam and preparing of the tooth. Next, our dentist uses a digital camera to scan the tooth area and this scan creates a three-dimensional model of your tooth. The CEREC® software and virtual model then connect to the mill and relay your custom design. Our dentist will select a colored ceramic block that best matches your natural tooth color and, in minutes, the mill will create a custom crown designed exactly for your tooth.

We strive to deliver innovative technology throughout our practice. Therefore, the next time you stop in for a routine checkup; ask any of our friendly staff, or your dentist about the CEREC® technology and how it can work for you!

Watch and Read more about CEREC® here!

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