keeping teeth white and healthy

With our daily tips you will be keeping teeth white and healthy.

At dental practices across the globe, too often we see patients when crisis hits. But at Eureka Dental Group, we work tirelessly to change the role of dental care from the dreaded painful experience to a field of prevention. So, we have the tips to keeping teeth white and healthy.

There are endless ways to become proactive about your oral health, but as busy parents and business owners and citizens, most people simply don’t have the time to research and build better habits. This is precisely why we create our monthly blogs: to let you have simple insights into how to integrate small changes that will reduce unwanted pain and crises,  as well as give you the confidence of a brilliant smile.

Our tips for this month draw from other blogs and routine office advice we give, but provide a simple list for you to reference and save.

Here are 7 tips and diet suggestions that will help strengthen and protect your teeth for a lifetime:

1. Drink lots of water. 
Aside from the numerous health benefits of water consumption, water helps to increase saliva production, which is your body’s fundamental defense system against food particle and plaque build-up.

2. Avoid sugar.
Almost everyone understands that a candy bar contributes to decay in your teeth, but even the sugar in fruits will cause the same issues. Now we all love to snack on something sweet, but brushing immediately after a sugary peach or candy bar is key to avoiding decay and cavities.

3. Vitamins are your friend
Both Vitamin D and calcium are excellent in strengthening your bones and teeth. Milk and cheese are well known to provide both. Oily fish like salmon is also packed with Vitamin D.

4. When it comes to tea, go green.
Tea is rich in fluoride, which we all know as an essential tool for decay prevention.  But green tea contains even more essential help with polyphenol and catechins.  The polyphenol prevents plaque from adhering to the teeth,  while the catechins help to kill oral bacteria.

5. Reduce acidic food and drinks.
Many foods and drinks with high acid content will wreak havoc on your tooth enamel over the years.  Coffee, chocolate and even soda are three common sources of acidity. This impacts the natural pH balance in your mouth and will create an environment ripe for bacterial growth.

6. Eat your vegetables (and citrus!)
Leafy greens and vegetables like spinach, broccoli and cauliflower provide essential vitamins A & K. Red and green peppers, along with citrus fruits are perfect sources of Vitamin C. All three are important to maintaining healthy bones and teeth.

7. Enjoy that steak or chicken at the next BBQ.
The high amount of protein in meat is something to celebrate, since protein is what the body uses to build and repair itself. Further, foods that are high in protein are usually great sources of phosphorus. Phosphorus helps strengthen your teeth and jaw, while the actual motion of chewing helps encourage the body to renew cells and improve cell density.

So take this short list and see how many suggestions you can implement into your daily routine.  With each addition, you’ll inch closer to both a healthier body and fewer unscheduled visits to Eureka Dental!

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