oral care during pregnancy

Understanding oral care during pregnancy can and will impact your life.

One of the greatest (and most challenging) times in a woman’s life is pregnancy. As our female patients and team members know, a woman’s body goes through dramatic changes during the course of a pregnancy. Understanding how these changes will impact your mouth can help you adjust your daily routine and maintain your oral health.

As a result of significant hormonal changes in a woman during pregnancy, the body may have certain unexpected reactions. One condition that is common is called pregnancy gingivitis.

Pregnancy gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums that is usually caused when plaque builds up between the teeth and gums. The increased hormone levels may amplify a woman’s response to dental plaque and contribute to the inflammation. This effect can be minimized by following a strict but simple routine of brushing twice a day with anti-plaque toothpaste for two minutes, flossing daily, and eating a balanced diet. Women should minimize or avoid consuming sugary snacks, as this will contribute to plaque build-up.

Dysguesia is another condition that is common during pregnancy

Dysguesia affects the cells and taste buds in the mouth, and may leave a slightly unpleasant taste in your mouth, or may make foods taste different than you are used to. This condition is perfectly normal and will subside after pregnancy, but can be unexpected and irritating when all you want is to enjoy a certain food or drink.

We suggest mitigating this effect by chewing a sugarless gum or candy, which will help. Spicy foods can also offset the changes.

It is lastly important to consider your mouth as you increase the amount and types of food you consume during pregnancy. Simple adherence to a brushing and flossing routine will mitigate the impact of increased risk of plaque. You may also experience red or inflamed gums as a result of hormonal increases. If this impacts your flossing, consider switching to a softer dental floss, or call our team for additional suggestions.

Pregnancy is an amazing time. Please call us or drop in for any advice that you may need to keep the best oral care routine possible.

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