
Secrets of Toothpaste

Now that the kids are back in school, the routine of each morning and evening begins to take shape in your household. We wake up every morning and clamor to get ready, head out the door to work, drop kids off at school, and then come home after our day while trying to make dinner, complete homework, and get ready for the next day.

With every task usually repeating each weekday, now is the time to develop your best routine and habits for the next year. And, of course, our team at Eureka Dental has a suggestion!

The goal of all dental professionals is to get our patients to brush twice a day for 2 minutes each time. This thorough and frequent care will help prevent unnecessary visits to our office for cavities or worse. But how do you prioritize such a seemingly mundane task like brushing? First, choose a great toothpaste. Second, choose a great toothbrush. Third, make a routine!

Many people simply whisk through the dental care aisle and grab a tube of toothpaste during a quick shopping trip. We suggest you take this opportunity to slow down, take a few minutes and see the amazing selection of modern toothpaste varieties. Years ago the flavor of toothpaste was pretty much standard. But now there are excellent flavors including fennel, cinnamon-clove, vanilla mint, mint and green tea, and much more. Imagine changing your brushing experience into an experience you look forward to each day.

The same thought applies to our children, many of whom enjoy the variety of kid-centered flavors and themes. Don’t just let the kids enjoy different. Prioritize yourself, because your interest in brushing will inspire their interest, and that helps support a morning and nighttime routine.

The same suggestion applies to toothbrushes. By now many people understand the wide variety of toothbrushes, with some high end toothbrushes costing around $100 or more. Thankfully there are excellent brushes for all budgets, from popular conventional ones to rechargeable models. The whole point is to purchase one that you enjoy using, and that creates an experience you look forward to each morning and night.

Lastly, make that routine. Whether it is immediately after breakfast at home or just after waking up, find the right morning time to brush away the buildup from overnight. Similarly, you may brush after dinner or immediately before bed. But incorporate brushing into both you and your children’s nightly plan.

Good luck with back to school and making the best out of your crazy workweeks!


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