Pediatric Dental Services

Pediatric Services The oral health needs of infants and children require diligence on the part of parents to ensure healthy teeth and gums as they grow. Many parents remember well the teething experience as their newborns become infants and toddlers. New parents are also sounding boards for advice from other parents, grandparents and literature they…

Dental Root Canal

Dental Root Canal Dental Root Canal Procedure Endodontic treatment, commonly known as a Dental Root Canal, is a procedure that is used to save a tooth that years ago would have resulted in an extraction. The procedure is often necessary when a tooth is cracked or develops a deep interior cavity. This crack or deep…

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening Eureka Dental understands that a brilliant smile is one of the most impressive features a person carries. Over time, the inevitability of tooth discoloration cannot be avoided, regardless of how well oral health is maintained. Coffee or tea consumption, the natural aging of teeth, excessive fluoride, and even nerve deterioration can cause unwanted…


Dentures As we age, so do our teeth. The natural process of aging and deterioration often compels the need to extract one or more teeth, which may lead patients to consider dentures. Creating a natural and healthy smile, dentures offer a safe alternative to preserve the ability to speak clearly, chew foods naturally, increase self…


LUMINEERS LUMINEERS are one of the most exciting solutions in cosmetic dentistry to be offered in years. Traditionally, patients have sought to address a number of issues, including stained, chipped, or misaligned teeth with Porcelain veneers. Although a popular answer to addressing these issues, many patients hesitate due to the intrusiveness, discomfort and permanency of…

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Tooth-Colored Fillings Before & After You can drag the slider bar located in the middle of the image to see the final before or after image or just click on the button. For generations the great number of tooth fillings were done with an amalgam (silver) filling. Besides the unsightly presence of noticeable darker filling…

TMJ Treatment

TMJ Treatment The temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, is the joint that connects each side of the upper and lower jaw to the skull. Much like other joints, it relies on a functional joint, the supporting bone structure, ligaments and muscles to all work in sync with one another. If one of these components starts to…

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain Veneers Before & After You can drag the slider bar located in the middle of the image to see the final before or after image or just click on the button. Have you ever wondered how so many famous people maintain such a beautiful smile? Is it possible that each one of them anticipated…


Periodontics Periodontics involves the prevention and treatment of gum disease. Many people pay attention to oral care as the result of tooth pain and visible tooth problems, but gum health and treatment are of equal, and often, greater importance. Teeth and gums naturally work in a symbiotic balance, in that the health of one directly…


Orthodontics Orthodontics is one of our specialties and focuses on irregularities in the jaw, and in tooth alignment. Through diagnosis and treatment, orthodontics guides the natural issues in jaw bones and teeth into optimal results. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children be evaluated by the age of seven for precursor issues in the…