cosmetic dental treatment

Now Printing Teeth!

Cosmetic Dental Treatment or Same Day Crowns Cosmetic dental treatment and what it has to do with 3D printing? You may have heard about the futuristic development of 3D printing. For anyone who does not understand the process, a 3D printer is essentially a personal-sized mill that creates the object relayed by the computer software.…

future of dentistry

How Lasers Are Changing The Future of Dentistry

Future of dentistry is changing by technology Researchers have long considered lasers as integral to the future of dentistry; however, many years were spent working to create specific wavelengths that wouldn’t cause more damage than repair. Although the technology-savvy public today can conceive of painless laser treatment, the earliest lasers functioned primitively with heat like…

Pediatric Dental Services

Pediatric Services The oral health needs of infants and children require diligence on the part of parents to ensure healthy teeth and gums as they grow. Many parents remember well the teething experience as their newborns become infants and toddlers. New parents are also sounding boards for advice from other parents, grandparents and literature they…

Dental Root Canal

Dental Root Canal Dental Root Canal Procedure Endodontic treatment, commonly known as a Dental Root Canal, is a procedure that is used to save a tooth that years ago would have resulted in an extraction. The procedure is often necessary when a tooth is cracked or develops a deep interior cavity. This crack or deep…

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening Eureka Dental understands that a brilliant smile is one of the most impressive features a person carries. Over time, the inevitability of tooth discoloration cannot be avoided, regardless of how well oral health is maintained. Coffee or tea consumption, the natural aging of teeth, excessive fluoride, and even nerve deterioration can cause unwanted…