Laser Dentistry

Laser Dentistry As laser technology becomes synonymous with medical procedures, Eureka Dental remains at the forefront of laser dentistry. New techniques and breakthroughs have evolved to allow procedures that only years ago were inconceivable. Lasers are now used to treat a variety of issues, and can achieve results with minimal bleeding, no stitches, minimal discomfort…


Invisalign Invisalign is an exciting and newer non-traditional orthodontic option. Many people have discovered the advantages of Invisalign as compared to braces, as it is much less invasive to daily life. When selecting invisalign, a 3-D computer first projects tooth movement to help design a series of custom-crafted alignment trays. Each tray is designed as…

Dental Implants

Dental Implants Before & After You can drag the slider bar located in the middle of the image to see the final before or after image or just click on the button. Dental implants may be the most exciting addition to cosmetic dentistry in years. Although the process was devised decades ago, modern technological advancements…

Dental Crowns

CEREC® Dental Crowns Before & After You can drag the slider bar located in the middle of the image to see the final before or after image or just click on the button. What is CEREC®? Chairside Economical Restorations of Esthetic Ceramic or CEREC® for short is a new state-of-the-art method of reconstructing tooth restorations.…

Dental Bridges

Dental Bridges Before & After You can drag the slider bar located in the middle of the image to see the final before or after image or just click on the button. During a person’s life a nearly infinite number of events may cause the loss of a tooth. Sports accidents, facial injuries, age, and…

Composite Bonding

Composite Bonding Before & After You can drag the slider bar located in the middle of the image to see the final before or after image or just click on the button. Dental bonding is a simple and painless procedure used to correct a number of common problems. First, we determine the objective. This includes:…

About Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry Our patients understand that modern dentistry allows people not only to correct painful dental issues, but also to improve their appearance with a wide range of techniques and procedures. Repairing a broken tooth or fixing cavities is important for functional oral health. However, changing the imperfections of in jaw structure or undoing years…